The letter further said, “When you go out and motivate Pakistanis overseas to invest in Pakistan, dysfunctional institutions are handcuffing local freelancers right under your nose.” The concerned group also recalled that Asad Umer’s bombastic speeches about getting Paypal into Pakistan two years ago and subsequent inaction are deplorable, to say the least.  There are several arguments dished out to cover up the ignorance and one of them is the State Bank’s supposed lack of willingness to meet Paypal’s regulatory standards. We approached the Ministry of Finance and the State Bank and received explanations off-the-record about the lack of infrastructure needed for the operation of PayPal in Pakistan.  The letter said ministers are engaged tricking youth with superficial changes such as Digital Pakistan, Citizen Portal, and Tiger Force; and asked if Pakistan was worse than the poorest countries in Latin America which built infrastructure out of absolute poverty?  Freelancers asked whether this carrot-and – stick mindset should be imposed on the youth, don’t you think youth would be better off getting free Laptops and Metro Buses from the chief ministers. We also opposed PUBG, BIGO and potential YouTube ban. There are homes that rely on foreign remittances and will not make it worse if you can’t change it.