In fact, as a blogger, you might be a mediocre writer and still make money. It’s not always about talent, I see it happening all the time. That might actually be a blessing in disguise for some people who don’t consider themselves to be good writers. Because the truth is that anyone can be a blogger. Yes, somebody. It needs some writing skills, but it also includes some other skills, not every strong writing power. Were you struggling to take advantage of your blog? You’re likely to make some basic blog-writing mistakes that discredit your writing skills. Writing is an art form in which not everyone is gifted, and this skill can be difficult to develop. However, through continuous practice, it can be further developed. To make your work enjoyable and please your readers, you may try to avoid simple errors in writing. Failure to make mistakes while creating your content can damage your reputation and affect your writing skills.

Here are common mistakes that a blogger does


Not Using Simple English When Writing

This is one of bloggers ‘ biggest mistakes as they create content for their blogs. Many bloggers do not end up using plain English when they post. They tend to use different or very difficult words in different languages. This will encourage readers to stop reading and start thinking about the meaning of your complicated words, which will take more time. They will eventually lose interest in reading and go on with your material. Thus, it is best to stop using unnecessary words in your sentences and use simple words rather than long, complex words. It, in effect, will enjoy reading your content to your followers.


This error can easily destroy your reputation as a blogger and your writing skills as well. It seems like a simple and effortless task to copy and paste the ideas of someone else. This won’t help your followers, though, as well as you as a writer. It will hamper your ability to think and compose. Finally, your reputation will be destroyed.


You’re psyched up when you start blogging. If you’re not careful, however, your passion and interest in writing will begin to decrease. This ensures that you don’t create content on a regular basis. Consistency is important in the world of blogging. It’s the biggest factor. Consistency between you and your readers establishes good relationships and reliability. When your site is visited by a visitor and no updated content is found, they will lose interest and may choose not to visit again. Your base of fans will start to shrink. Generally, search engines are biased towards new content and rate it higher than the content of ‘ stale. ‘ Frequent publications will therefore cause your content to be at the top of the results of the search engine.

Selecting a Broad Topic

Another error made by bloggers when writing an article is to choose a broad topic. For example, there are different topics like ‘best business practices’, which is too broad to write about and have a lot of material that sometimes becomes difficult to describe in a limited set-up.

What’s The Solution?


Commit to regularly publishing content

One thing many of the best writers in the world share is the frustration of the writer or a lack of motivation for writing. Writers tend to work only when they are (“unblocked”) motivated. Nonetheless, a good blog won’t wait until you feel inspired. Even if you don’t feel like it, you have to publish content. It means creating a regular schedule of posts and sometimes posting material 3-4 times a week

Manage your time and create a schedule

Time management is one of the essential skills you will need with so much work going on. You’re going to have deadlines, and it takes a while to create blog posts. It takes about 2-3 hours to write the average posts.That doesn’t include editing, posting it to the website, making social media posts, etc. Let’s say the whole process takes about 4 hours for a single blog post. If you write three posts a week, this means you’re going to need about 12 hours of dedicated blog time each week.

Learn how to do SEO

Then comes the hardest part to be a blogger — to rising the rating of your website on Google. Though blogging guests and friendship with other influencers can be a boost, you need a reliable traffic source. Which means you’ve got to get strong at SEO. So where are you going to start? Next, if you haven’t already set up your website with Google Analytics. Analytics will be the world’s best mate. Without it, you won’t know if your content is good or not. If your content doesn’t succeed, you don’t succeed as a writer, so it’s important that you take the time to evaluate your data.(You’ll probably spend another 2-3 hours or so on analytics every week. The next move is to use some SEO tools to help you do the job out there.


To sum up, the above are just a few of the blog writing mistakes that can ruin the writing skills of a blogger. Certain mistakes can include the use of over-adjectives and adverbs, lack of knowledge, and lack of a clear goal. Have you made any of these errors when creating content for your blog? If so, you should try to improve these mistakes with given solutions in the article so that blogging can thrive. We can only become successful bloggers if we learn from our mistakes quickly.