YouTube Videos Will be Removed Due to Reason

While telling about this move, YouTube said: “As a result of the new measures we’re taking, we will temporarily start relying more on technology to help with some of the work normally done by reviewers. This means automated systems will start removing some content without human review, so we can continue to act quickly to remove violative content and protect our ecosystem, while we have workplace protections in place.” The company says, for some time video removal may occur even due to the content that does not violate its policies. “As we do this, users and creators may see increased video removals, including some videos that may not violate policies. We won’t issue strikes on this content except in cases where we have high confidence that it’s violative.” If some content is removed without any violation of policy, that creator should appeal it. This appeal will be viewed by the reviewers at the company who may restore it. Also Read: YouTube Music Update Brings new Features for Android users